Digi Elan

How to
design a Landing Page

How to Design a Landing Page to Increase Conversions

Do you want to design a landing page for your business? In this post, we will give you some tips to design a better landing page which will help you to get traffic on your website and increase sales.

Landing pages are designed for one specific goal and enable the visitors to take action. It does not contain a lot of distractions, complex information, lots of images etc.

You can promote any product on the landing page with short and easy to understand information carrying a CTA button to buy or register a product. A well-designed landing page gets more attention than a simply designed homepage to get conversion from the visitors.

Why do you need a Landing Page?

A landing page is an essential page to get conversions and leads through CTA. When you only depend on the homepage of your website making it attractive with lots of images, product images, product information, and links, it is not quite helpful.

These pages are standalone pages to get attention from the visitors and convince them to take action through specific campaigns. Fewer links, accurate information and a CTA is the meaning of a landing page.

You can use your landing page to follow these purposes:

  • Share a product or service to increase sales with ‘Order Now’ CTA
  • Spread the information about an upcoming live event or webinar with ‘Register Now’ or ‘Book your Seat Now’ CTA
  • Get the data of your visitors to generate leads with the ‘SignUp Now’ CTA.

Tips to Design a Landing Page

1. Create a specific goal

This is the necessary part to design a landing page. First of all, your landing page should be focused on one goal and without distractions. Customers likely take action on simple, short and related information.

Choose which product you want to post on the landing page, visitors should get this product only, not a similar product when they click on your landing page link or CTA button.

If you are posting more than one offer for a product or many products on a landing page, where customers will get distracted and will be back without creating a conversion.

Landing page marketing campaigns are easy and they give more conversion rates than any other pages. You need to know the basics and select which offer will be the best for customers and post this single one on the landing page.

2. Select the best template for Landing Page

After selecting a goal, choose a suitable template for the landing page. If you know to code then you can create your own landing page design easily, but if you are a beginner with zero coding experience, there are many landing page builders available for you.

These builders provide free templates which are designed by professionals. You can choose the best which relates to your business or brand. It provides every type of template like to get sales, coming soon, thank you, register for a webinar etc.

When you choose templates, you can customise it also with the help of a drag and drop editor to add or remove some elements and blocks.

3. Make CTAs Responsive

After you choose the best template, the next step is to work on CTAs. Make CTAs with short text and bright colours to attract visitors. The size of CTAs should be big and clearly visible.

Make the design of CTA responsive. Connect the accurate linking between the form or page to drive customers to a specific page after clicking on it. Check this link regularly to get conversions.

You can set ‘Order Now’, ‘Register Now’, and ‘Start your free Trial’ as CTA.

4. Use short forms

Forms play a vital role to collect data about visitors to generate leads. Keep your form short as much as possible. Visitors mostly leave the landing pages which ask for too much information about them.

You should only ask about these details from a visitor:

  • Name
  • Mobile no.
  • Email-Id

These three things are enough to generate a lead for your business. You can also choose only two from them to collect data of customers.

5. Choose Good Colour

Choosing colours for the landing page is also an important part. It should match your brand or business logo. Pick a colour combination which attracts the visitors.

You should not use too many dark and light colours and fade colours. Picking the right colour can increase conversion rates. There are many pre-made colour combinations available to use on landing page builders.

6. Write a good Copy

Write a copy of your product information as short as possible. Visitors don’t read too much information about a product, they only like to see the benefits and the price which they can afford or not.

Information should be related to the attractive heading and highlight main points to get the customer’s eye onto it.

7. Add offers and discounts

By adding offers and discounts, you can easily increase your conversions and get better sales. Highlight offers with different colours and put them near the CTA.

If you have a business on an e-commerce website and are giving some offers and discounts, then you can also put those offers on the landing page with an attractive CTA like ‘Grab Now’, or ‘Order Now’.

8. Use social proofs

You should attach some photos of the persons who are using your products or services. Mention some words as reviews with their permissions. This will help to build personal connections and trust with the customers.

The use of human faces on the websites makes them trustworthy and creates an emotional connection with the customers. They do purchases and take interest in the websites that value them.

9. Perform A/B Test

After implementing all the essential elements on the landing page, you have to perform an A/B test to check with another variant which will convert better. Designing a landing page is an important part, so do it wisely.

You can create two versions of the landing page with different colour CTA and different phrases. Now compare both of them to find which looks better and will help to get more conversions.

10. Optimize Speed of Page

If you want your customers don’t leave your page and get to the competitor’s website, optimise your page to load faster. Visitors don’t want to wait on any website or they can think you did not create a better page to provide them with products and services.

Purchase and use good web hosting, install suitable plugins, keep the sizes of images small and get your website updated regularly. This is the essential part of a landing page, if you don’t optimise pages and images you will not get conversions and growth in business.

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So, here you got the tips to design a landing page for your marketing campaigns for your business or brand. It is easy to design with the help of landing page builders. This page is necessary for every business to grow.

The landing page looks easier to the visitors than the homepage so they can take action easily without having lots of distractions. They want specific information about a specific product or service. They will take action when you get trust by using social proofs on the landing page.

We hope you have all the necessary information about how to design a landing page. Do share this post with all your friends, family and relatives.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Landing Page?

A landing page is an essential page to get conversions and leads through CTA. When you only depend on the homepage of your website making it attractive with lots of images, product images, product information, and links, it is not quite helpful.

Why do you need to design a Landing Page?

Landing pages are designed for one specific goal and enable the visitors to take action. It does not contain a lot of distractions, complex information, lots of images etc.

Can we design a Landing Page easily?

Yes, it is easy to design a Landing Page with the help of Landing Page Builders with lots of free templates, designs and layouts. You don’t need coding to design.

Why are visitors able to take action earlier on the Landing Page than on the homepage?

The landing page looks easier to the visitors than the homepage so they can take action easily without having lots of distractions. They want specific information about a specific product or service. They will take action when you get trust by using social proofs on the landing page.

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